مسكن > المدونة: > Notices for Operating Game Center

Notices for Operating Game Center

09. 29, 2022

Admission statement and instructions:

1.Pay attention to game center cleaning and daily cleaning, clean up water and other liquids on the ground in time, and remind customers to prevent slips and falls.

2.Real-time disinfection (disinfection at the door), daily disinfection (disinfection when closing the store), monthly disinfection, pay attention to wall collision prevention measures and insurance, etc. (Customer insurance can be signed with insurance companies to reduce the risk of accidental injury to customers and increase the credibility of the venue.)

3.Daily inspection and maintenance of electric equipment and ensure the machine is in good grounding state. It is strictly forbidden to work with electricity after the wires are exposed. If it is found, it is recommended to replace it in time. It is recommended to wipe the machine with a damp cloth several times a day to eliminate static electricity.

Notices for Operating Game CenterNotices for Operating Game Center

Promotion for game center

1.Looking for long-term cooperation, increasing popularity, and interactive partners (such as kindergartens and other children's education and training institutions, children's health medical institutions, parent education methods training institutions, children's photo studios, hotels and restaurants, etc.).

Notices for Operating Game Center

2.Be willing to give gifts to children (send different gifts according to the consumption amount, on the principle that you can get gifts as long as you go here to play, you can give them when you leave, or you can give them when you pay).

3.Regularly go to places with high traffic such as the community to focus on the promotion of membership cards (some customized advertising balloons will be issued when membership cards and discount cards are issued in the community).

Notices for Operating Game Center

4.Uninterrupted distribution of advertisements (preferential punches must be printed on each advertisement page, similar to the advertisements of McDonald's and KFC.)

5.Customize cartoon costumes for the venue staff to interact with the children and their parents (such as playing games, singing, dancing, storytelling and other educational interactive activities, and posting the photos of the event on the game center).

Notices for Operating Game Center

6.Often organize some competitions and games with prizes (such as playing the earth, basketball machines, dancing machines, racing cars, ball pool treasure hunts, etc.).

Notices for Operating Game Center

7.During the school hours, the kindergarten sends staff in cartoon costumes and card-handling personnel to apply for discount cards on site and present discount coupons and experience cards.

Constantly inject fresh blood into the venue, add novel equipment, and keep players fresh.

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اتصل بنا

الغوغاء: +86 133 6055 1904

البريد الإلكتروني: doris@ifunpark.com

WhatsApp: +86 133 6055 1904

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